Mile Building Cruises – Courses

How does it work? When I learned to sail, I often heard from the captains, “because it’s an old yacht, lots of things does not work.” Such was the explanation of damaged equipment or lack of thereof, dirty bilges, rotten berths, sails that would give up on first stronger gust etc. When I started organizing cruises myself, I decided that no one would cheat on me on the quality of the yacht. We spend our holidays on the water, it has pleasant, ship-shape and Bristol fashion. And this means that everything must be prepared at A+. I give you a word that during my cruises:

  1. The yacht will have the best value for money.
  2. The cruise will be conducted with the highest safety standards.
  3. I will make every effort to make the cruise interesting to you.
Gedania 2020 or guaranteed 100h on a yacht over 20m long for candidates to higher level certifficates in Polish scheme. We set sail from Bergen, weather permitting to Polar Circle and back to Trondheim. If interested e-mail: I also recommend subscribing the newsletter there will be the first announcements.


Subscribe to the newsletter, you will find out immediately about the new cruise…

Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee you that we’re going to complete the originally planned route of the cruise (which is why you’ll find different variants in the descriptions), because what navigation decissions we take depends on the strength and direction of the wind and the state of the sea and other factors.

During my training, you will get the latest available knowledge (this is what I am commited to). As a meteorologist, I have access to best available resources, and I have the knowledge to provide you with information in an accessible way.   Expect a lot of exercise! As an instructor, I try to constantly develop my knowledge to give students the best navigation practices. What is most important for me during training is quality, as confirmed by the testimonials of participants.

You’ll receive rich training materials during each course, and you can also order high-quality navigation aids and tools before training. Subscribers of the newsletter are the first to know about each course that is planned – they also receive the biggest discount, in the second place I inform fans on Geographica Expeditions profile on FB, after the first-minute bookings the courses have a regular price.

In the near future, I plan the following courses:

Niż meteorologia dla żeglarzy

Meteorology for sailors an intensive course
The professional course of cooperation with the weather for anyone who goes on the water or outdoors. You will learn everything you need to receive, interpret and even to create your own weather forecast.
Course dates:

  1. 22-23.02.2020 Meteorologia dla żeglarzy – Warszawa (this course is in Polish)


Warsztaty nawigacyjne nawigacja klasyczna na wodach pływowych z certyfikatem RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased
One of the most advanced navigation courses in the world. There is no “navigation for sailors”. There is NAVIGATION. You will effectively learn all the techniques that are used at sea without “downgrading them. After all you are a ship like other vessels at sea the principles are the same. Get ready for 6 days of intensive training prepared by professionals for professionals.

  1. 20-22.03.2020 oraz 27-29.03.2020 Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Warszawa


Kurs obsługi radaru według RYA

RYA Marine Radar – a one day specialist course in Radar use for navigation in Warsaw

Royal Yachting Associations own intensive, complete Radar training. During the course, we focus on practical exercises run on professional Radar simulator. Each person works on individual simulator set. The course ends with the RYA Radar certification held in Geographica Expeditions RYA training center.

Course dates:

    1. 15.03.2020 RYA Radar Course Warszawa
    2. Order a RYA Radar instructor>(groups of 6 people)


Kurs SRC Egzamin SRC kurs i egzamin short range certificate

RYA Short Range Certificate – Marine radio or VHF radio operator course and exam in Warsaw

Course and examination for marine short-range radio operators license. The SRC certificate is the second most important document necessary to skipper a yacht. The master must be a certified radio operator. After all, it is your safety at stake. The document received after training and successful exam pass – Maritime Radio Operator Short Range Certificate is issued by the Royal Yachting Association on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in accordance with the international radio convention. The SRC RYA certificate is equivalent to the SRC radio operator certificate issued by the Office of Electronic Communications in Poland and is equally recognized in every country in the world. The document is issued for an indefinite time. We work on real radios so you will get all the necessary skills and knowledge to pass the exam and what is most important operate a marine radio at sea.

Course dates:

    1. 14 march 2020 SRC course WARSZAWA
    2. Order an RYA SRC/VHF instructor (groups of>6 persons)


LRC Long Range Operators Certificate Course and Exam in Warsaw
A course fully preparing for the Long Range Operators’ Certification held by the Office of Electronic Communication. This course is held in Polish however we are open to bookings of English-speaking groups. During the course, we will discuss all issues of communication in distress, urgency, safety, and routine communication in accordance with model course number 1.25  International Maritime Organization and thus prepare for the exam at the Office of Electronic Communications (remember that you sign up for the exam yourself, at the UKE, at least 14 days before the selected exam date).  Our goal is not only your positive result at the exam, but above all to get your operator competencies to the highest possible level, which is why we will practice every procedure on the simulator.

Dates: 7-8.03.2020 LRC course WARSZAWA

  1. Order an instructor with a mobile radio-lab to your club!

Proposed examination centre: Naval Academy in Gdynia, ul. Śmidowicza 69



Seminarium Międzynarodowe Przepisy o Zapobieganiu Zderzeniom na Morzu

Seminar on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
The course during which we will destroy the myths regarding the conduct of the yacht in a collision situation with other vessels. What to do? Is there such a thing as the right of way at sea? We will discuss all the regulations and solve the exercises with the most typical and difficult situations.

Course dates:

  1. Dates in 2020 in preparation WARSAW
  2. Order an instructor to your club!


Warsztaty nawigacyjne nawigacja elektroniczna

Electronic navigation
Electronic navigation seems very easy and intuitive – after all, people invented computers for a reason – but even for professionals the eNav can cause a lot of trouble (see Vestas Wind). During this course, you will learn everything you need to safely use the support of electronic navigation tools. We work in small groups.

Course dates:

  1. Course dates in preparation


Nawigacja awaryjna - co zrobić gdy wszystko pójdzie źle

Emergency navigation

What if things get a bad turn? What to do? How to quickly assess the situation at sea, in the mountains, when skiing or behind the wheel? Learn the oldest navigation techniques – you will find your way always and without using any instruments! Learn to navigate using the sky, read the water like an open book, use clues on land. For a modern sailor armed with electronic aids, this course is often an eye-opener. It will allow you to check if all the indications of the instruments are correct and will enable your situational awareness – something that for the grand-grand sailors was obvious and what was taken from us with all the gizmos and the GPS.

Course dates:

  1. Course dates in preparation WARSZAWA


Basic Safety Training Szkolenie STCW dla Żeglarzy

Integrated Basic Safety Training according to STCW Convention
This course includes STCW certification required for work at sea. The course is tailored to sailors’ needs. This is a full Basic Safety Training Course using STCW/IMO standard. The part dedicated to yachting is an addition. After completing the course, you can apply for an official Seamans Logbook. It is simply a must for commercially endorsed sailors (under Polish scheme), or for future candidates, to Royal Yachting Association certification. Any professional sailor needs to take this course. The renowned rescue training centre has made every effort to ensure that it is a non-nonsense training for sailors. 
Course dates:

  1. 2-7.12.2019 Gdynia
  2. 9-14.12.2019 Gdynia
  3. 13-18.01.2020 Gdynia
  4. Order an IMO Instructor  (groups > 10 persons)



Manewrowanie jachtem na silniku dwa dni skrypt podręcznik manewry portowe i manewry z niewielką liczbą załogi manewr MOB na silniku kurs manewrowy manewrówka

Boathandling under power
Intensive boathandling course on a heavy yacht with a long kil, in order to learn how to properly plan maneuvers and evaluate the inertia of the yacht. We will exercise various types of maneuvers including emergency maneuvers. The course is carried out in small groups, which minimizes stand-by time of the crew, and provides intensive work on the boathandling skills under power.

Course dates:

  1. Dates in 2020 in preparation


Forbidden maneuvers – everything you wanted to do under sail but was afraid to
Intensive maneuvering course carried out exclusively under sails. The course is aimed at developing the right habits in the maneuvers under sails, as well as teaching those maneuvers that are often skipped during sailing training due to port regulations or the usual lack of time. The course is being taught by the most experienced sailing instructors with many years of practice!

Course dates:

  1. Dates in 2020 in preparation

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